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National Stress Awareness Day 1st November 2017

By October 30, 2017April 24th, 2020Therapy News

National Stress Awareness Day - Touch is marking National Stress Awareness Day this year by offering free taster treatments at Kingdom Housing Association.

As well as offering reflexology and indian head massage to reduce stress levels, Fiona will be providing leaflets, information and showing employees how to use hand reflexology techniques when they are feeling under pressure or stressed.

Taking a half hour out of your busy work day might feel indulgent but even a short period of relaxation can provide the benefits of increased energy and focus.

Fiona uses calming music, aromatherapy balms and oils to promote relaxation. A short break like this can revitalise, and slowing down can actually assist thought processes by creating time and space to think before tackling the next item on the to do list.

Reflexology and indian head massage use pressure and touch to calm and relax the parts of nervous system which are responsible for the stress response. These benefits continue after the treatment.

The impact of stress in the workplace can be far reaching with  over 11 million working days lost to stress in 2015/2016 (AoR, 2017). Long term studies have indicated links between stress and chronic conditions such as anxiety, depression, heart disease and and musculoskeletal problems. In Denmark, studies have shown that offering workplace reflexology has reduced absenteeism and sick days as well as increasing wellbeing, motivation and satisfaction within the workplace.

Suddenly that half hour of time out doesn’t feel so indulgent after all, but a healthy and natural way to reduce your stress levels and improve your general health and wellbeing. As well as the studies and statistics, the last words go to Patricia from the NHS

I had foot reflexology and it was fabulously relaxing as well as amazing how ‘problem’ areas in your body can be spotted and managed through your feet!  Would definitely pay to have this again.

All the staff who did have a session yesterday are of the same opinion – they would love for Fiona to come here on a regular basis.

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